Email Template for Requesting Meeting

How to request a meeting by email template samples.

Email for Requesting a Meeting: 

Email Subject Title:  Scheduling Meeting | Test Project 

Hello <insert name>, 

I would like to schedule <length of meeting> to meet regarding the Test Project to discuss the budget and timing of completion.

I have listed below my availability in <time zone>. 

  • Mon. March 2nd at 2:00PM 
  • Mon. March 2nd at 3:30PM 
  • Thurs. March 5th at 9:00AM 

Please let me know if any of these dates work, I will send a calendar invitation. 

I look forward to hearing from you, 

— End of Email —

  • DO list at least two meeting dates and time frames available
  • DON’T forget to list the time zone
  • DO include details on why you would like to meet to ensure the meeting attendee(s) brings the appropriate documents
  • DO provide the length of expected meeting session
  • DO clarify if you will be sending the calendar invitation

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Email for Scheduling a Meeting Date on Behalf of an Executive or Company:  

Email Subject Title: Meeting Request | Tesla & Salesforce | Paul Smith

Hello <insert name>, 

I am reaching out on behalf of <insert name> to schedule a  <phone call/video meeting /conference call> to discuss <topic of meeting>. I have listed <Mr./Ms. insert name>’s meeting availability below in <time zone>.

  • Mon. March 2nd at 2:00PM – 60 min.
  • Mon. March 2nd at 3:30PM – 60 min.
  • Thurs. March 5th at 9:00AM – 60 min.

Please let me know if any of these dates work and if any additional attendees should receive an invitation.

Thank you, 

— End of Email —

  • DO list the purpose of the meeting
  • DON’T forget to provide if the meeting will take place by phone or video. This could affect the scheduling time slot, especially if they are traveling.
  • Do provide the expected length of the meeting

Email for Meeting Confirmation  

Email Subject Title: Confirmed Meeting | Tesla | March 13: 2PM ET

Confirming <date, time and time zone> with <Executive Name>. I will be sending a calendar invitation shortly. 

Should you need to reschedule for any reason, I can be reached for additional meeting dates. 

Thank you, 

— End of Email —

  • DO clarify you can reschedule on behalf
  • DON’T forget to include confirmed meeting details in subject line for external recipient

Email for Rescheduling Last Minute Meeting

Email Subject Title: Rescheduling | Title of Meeting 

Hello <Meeting Recipient Name>,

Unfortunately I cannot attend the meeting today. Do you mind sending your next availability to meet? I will send a new calendar invitation with a date that aligns with your schedule. 

Apologies for the last minute cancellation and inconvenience. 


— End of Email —

  • DO apologize
  • DO list a reason for cancelling/rescheduling for external recipients
  • DON’T forget to include all meeting attendees in email notice to reschedule

Cancelling Meeting with No Intention to Reschedule 

Email Subject Title: Cancelling | Title of Meeting | Meeting Date 


The <name of meeting> on <date> has been cancelled. We have reviewed all presentations received and will discuss internally. 

Best Regards, 

— End of Email —

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